Easter is right around the corner. Yep, you heard me right. EASTER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Can you tell that I am freaking out right now because I am not really prepared at all. Are you guys? If you are, then I am totally jealous and a little skeptical of how together you have it. However, if you are in the same boat as I am and are currently staring at your kids empty Easter baskets, then this is the post for you. I have put together some really simple lists by age and sourced some fun products for you to choose from. All you have to do is scroll down to your age group or age groups and I have tons of ideas for both boys and girls in each age group. I feel like when they are little, they are pretty easy to come up with stuff for, but the older they get the trickier is can be to pick out things that they will like that won't cost you an absolute fortune. Hopefully this helps all of us out (I pretty much have Luke and Lily's baskets done after sourcing all of this!) and let's us get Easter baskets checked off our mom list!
So your sweet baby probably isn't racing to the door on Easter morning to see what the bunny brought them, but I do like having a little something for them. In fact, I love the tradition of getting them a really pretty Easter basket that they'll then use as they grow up. Etsy has some really cute ones, as do Pottery Barn Kids and World Market. I also think it is a good idea to get them things that they will actually need, like pjs, teethers, pacis, etc.
Board Books
Stuffed Animal
Onesies and Pajamas
First Easter Basket
Baby Snacks-Puffs, Yogurt Melts, Mum Mums
AGE 3-5
In my opinion, these next two age brackets are the easiest to buy for. They are still right in the thick of believing in the Easter Bunny, so it is super fun to put their baskets together. There are also the most choices of small, inexpensive things that you can include in the baskets. And most importantly their expectations are still low, so they won't be a pouting Penny when they don't get an iPhone in their basket like their friend Suzie did...like that is every going to happen.
Sidewalk Chalk
Water Color Paints
Spring Time Book
Stick-On Earrings
Mini Flashlights
Little People Figurines
AGE 5-7
photo styling / Living With Landyn
Okay, we are still in the easy years here. Get them some matchbox cars or doll clothes and some candy and you are good to go. They're still excited about their basket and are usually just happy to be getting toys. They typically still believe in the Easter Bunny, so there's still magic when they see their basket for the first time. So sweet!
Small Cars
Coloring Book
Toy Figurines
Craft Kit
Sports Equipment- Balls, Gloves, Bats, etc
Barbie Clothes
AGE 7-10
photo styling / Living With Landyn
This age can start to get a little tricky. They aren't really babies any more, but at this age they are starting to grow out of the idea of the Easter Bunny....but still want the toys. Stuck in between babies and big kids. Luckily there are still lots of fun, relatively inexpensive things you can get them. Luke is right at this age and I love getting him sports related things. I always try and squeeze in something that I know he is going to need like new baseball socks or a glove as a gift since I know I am going to have to be buying one anyway.
Art Set
Mad Libs
Garden Kit
Nail Stickers
Book Mark
Colored Shoe Laces
So by this age it gets pretty tricky. The kids are obviously not believing in the Easter Bunny any more, but still want the symbolism...and the goodies of an Easter basket. You can always choose to get one larger gift-like a piece of clothing or electronic that they have been wanting- or you can go with smaller gifts and get an actual basket. This is a great age for gift cards like iTunes, gas cards, cards to their favorite restaurants, and the gifts of experiences like tickets to a sporting event or concert. I did go through and pick some of my favorite things to get my kids, especially Lily, since she is right at this age.
Lip Gloss
Key Chain
Washi Tape
Colored Pens
Ice Cream / Starbucks Gift Card
Movie Tickets
Baseball Hats
Athletic Wear
Phone Cases