Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
WELCOME. WELCOME. I'm so glad you're here. It's finally happening! The day you and I have all been waiting for. The launch and NEW look of Living with Landyn. I'm not new to blogging, but I've never had a platform or space that felt like me + looked like me. You know, a place I wanted to get lost in and type until my little heart was content. Well, I have it now, and this website is everything I wanted it to be. Along with plenty of room for growth. Just like when I started to even entertain the idea of a blog. To be honest, I wasn't really sure how things would go? And now look! I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful following and cheering section. I'm so proud of how I got to this point. Proud of the relationships I've made along the way, opportunities I've been offered and the ability to connect with such uplifting people like yourselves.
Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
YOU are the reason I'm inspired to dream up a dinner kids will actually eat. YOU are the reason I hunt for a great pair of skinny jeans that won't break the bank. YOU are the reason I share what concealer I use to cover my imperfections, because Lord knows I have them, and who couldn't use a little of that before they leave the house! Sharing is something I LOVE to do. It's truly inspiring to me. You will always be the first to know when I find something worth sharing. I believe in the HIGH + low. You can put ANYTHING with a good pair of jeans and nobody will know. Trust me. Some of my favorite things to do are style outfits, hunt for great deals and cook. I don’t bake. Cause, well, that’s a science and I don't measure. I cook creatively and often times with what I have in my fridge.
Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
I'm a mom + wife + daughter and friend. I've been happily married to my 8th grade sweetheart for almost 15 years. I still get butterflies when I hear the garage door open. I fluff my hair, grab a piece of gum, pinch my cheeks and add a little lip gloss. He still gets me. Every. Single. Day. I believe in holding hands, dating weekly and putting him first. I'm a 50's wife at heart. He works hard. Therefore, when he walks through that door, there's a meal on the table, the house is clean, kids are happy and I'm excited he's home.
Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
I'm not an interior designer. I don't know all the 'design rules'. Just a girl that has moved 9 times and knows what she likes, and what she wants. I know, I know, you're thinking, 'nine times!! That's awful'. Actually it was quite fun. I will agree, the moving part stinks, but if you're anything like me and love to decorate and redecorate your home, that gives you a lot of opportunity to do so. I apply the same rules to my wardrobe, as I apply to my home.
Photo by Alyssa Rosenheck
Living with Landyn will be a place to share all of that with you and more. Again, I'm no expert. I'm not perfect. I am real + honest and EXCITED to get started. My hope is to inspire you and give you ideas. Whether it's shopping for yourself + your home + your kids + your groceries. I certainly hope you'll visit often + take away something daily and communicate with me from time to time. Like I said, YOU help to inspire me daily and I'd like do that for all of you. I believe this is going to be the start of something really good and hopefully a place you'll look forward to visiting.